Stems, Slides And Bowls Oh My!

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  • Apply Kryptonite to your bowl & slide

    Apply Kryptonite to your bowl & slide

    Squirt a few drops of Kryptonite into your slide and bowl. Kryptonite is completely harmless if you get it on your hands, so don’t worry if this happens. If your hands get tar or resin on them, use a few drops of Kryptonite on them and rinse with warm water.

    Use a plastic bag or q-tip

    Use a plastic bag or q-tip

    Place your bowl and slide into a Ziplock or other plastic sandwich bag. This ensures that all surfaces of both your bong bowl and slide are thoroughly coated. If you are a heavy flower smoker, we recommend putting a few drops of into the bottom of your bowl before you place it into the Ziplock bag.

    Rinse with warm water

    Rinse with warm water

    The time it takes Kryptonite to work depends on how dirty your piece is are. For extremely dirty bowls and slides, let them sit in the Kryptonite solution for 30 min. If you frequently clean your pieces, it will take significantly less time. After your bowl and slide have sat in the solution for 10-30 minutes, simply rinse with warm water and enjoy!

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